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Artemis has learned that Alex Mican, the Head of PCS Global Strategy and Growth at Verisk Claims, is departing the company.

alex-mican-pcsWe understand Mican is departing for a new role in the industry which we are told he begins soon.

PCS is an important provider of data to the catastrophe bond, insurance-linked securities (ILS) and industry-loss warranty (ILW) markets.

This data is used in triggers for industry-loss index based reinsurance and retrocession risk transfer arrangements, with the company acting as a reporting and calculation agent for transactions.

Mican had worked at Verisk since 2014, initially employed as a sales development analyst, then moving to the Property Claim Services (PCS) unit in 2016.

Since then, Mican had led the development of a number of new products at PCS, including the global specialty lines data services – most recently PCS Global Aviation.

In 2023, Mican was promoted into the role of Head of Global Strategy and Growth for PCS.

This position saw him leading all client-facing activity, as well as new product and market development.

Mican has also been the primary touchpoint for reinsurance and insurance linked securities (ILS) activities that PCS undertook since taking on the latest role at Verisk.

We understand the PCS service will not be affected, with Ted Gregory, Head of Global PCS Operations the most senior employee in the unit.

Head of PCS Global Strategy and Growth Alex Mican to depart Verisk was published by:
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